Saturday, September 15, 2012

One drop at a time

Last night, before I went to sleep, I thought of something. I imagined a faucet and a cup. The faucet was turned off, but there were still drops of water going into the cup. It was a slow process filling the cup with water because it was one drop at a time.

Then I thought of something else. It was about midnight last night when I was thinking about this. Isn't that the same when it comes to adoption? You have the cup, which is the amount of money needed to adopt the child, (or children,) that you want to adopt. Then you have the faucet and the water. The faucet represents friends, family, churches, etc that help raise the funds needed to adopt your child.

Then we get to the water, which is the money. Every drop of water that goes into the cup fill the cup with water. Every dollar that goes into a RR child's account help raise the funds needed to adopt that child.

So next time you think you didn't give enough money to a child on RR, remember the drops of water. Every dollar counts, just like every drop of water counts in a cup of water.

Late night thinking has it's benefits!

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