Sunday, June 24, 2012

Darina and Ivan Fundraiser

Noel has a family! I am so happy for her! I've actually been watching the My Family Found Me page to see who has gotten on there lately. I also saw Reid on there. At first, when I saw him on there, I was happy for him. I told one person I know who loves him the news, and then I learned something that made me feel sad. I learned that he, along with a couple other children, were taken to another orphanage by a priest. Now, here's why I started to feel sad. Because he was taken to this other orphanage, he can't be adopted in the United States. Even though it may be a good orphanage, I still didn't feel right about it. After I heard about it my mind kept going back and forth between happy for him and sad. I'm still going to pray for him, even though I may not know what's going to happen to him in the future.


There is also a fundraiser going on for one more week for Ivan and Darina. We are going to be selling 31 bags. 25% of the profit is going to go into their grants. There are backpacks and tote bags. For the rest of June, if you buy $35.00 worth of items then you can get a large tote bag for $10.00. This is great for moms who are looking for new backpacks for their children before school starts. Here is the link:

Please keep praying that these children will find forever families.

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