Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Simeon has a family!

Oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness!!! Simeon has a family! Now I'm the one grinning ear to ear and jumping up and down. I can't even believe it yet. My family and I have been praying and praying for him to find a family. I've also been asking God for the past couple of days if I could see one of the kids from Orphanage 42 on MFFM. Then, this morning, my mom looked on MFFM and found him on it!!! I am so happy!!! I believe with all my heart that God answers prayers and He did!!!! God is so good!!! Please pray that the adoption goes well and that everything goes smoothly.


This is Channah. She is almost 10 years old, and she has CP. I'm assuming that she is still in the orphanage because her profile is still on Reece's Rainbow and she is not on MFFM. If you click on her name then you can see her profile. Please pray that she and the other children on Reece's Rainbow will be adopted by loving families.


  1. Love seeing more find families! We are committing to adopt the two with CP that we were praying about and your video was a big part of convincing us we can do this! Thank you and for trying to find more children homes! You are an inspiration and I wish more kids had your heart!
