Monday, July 2, 2012


My sister Grace has asked me this question lately. If I was old enough to adopt, (from Reece's Rainbow) who would I adopt? I know for sure that I would adopt Darina from orphanage 42, but in reality, I wish I could get every child with CP around the world out of these orphanages. In my imagination, I can imagine opening up big buildings in these countries for the children who are about to go into the institutions. They would be taken care of and loved there until they can be adopted by loving families. They would still be connected with Reece's Rainbow, and they would still have the chance of being adopted in the United States. In reality, I know it wouldn't work. But in my mind, I wish it could work.

Okay, back to reality. I know that the best thing we as Christians can do is pray. And I have to be honest, for me, it really hasn't been easy to pray. After I saw Simeon on My Family Found Me I was hoping and praying that the rest of the children in orphanage 42 would be there also. I've felt kind of sad because they aren't on there yet, but even though it hasn't happened, I hope and pray that one day everyone in orphanage 42 will be adopted.

 Here's where trust comes in. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight." NIV

Not that long ago that verse kept repeating in my mind. "Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart..." The word all does not mean part of your heart, half of your heart, or three fourths of your heart. All means all.

Now, I'm not saying that trusting comes easy. In fact, if you trust in God and that He will take care of you, you also have to have faith that He will do what He says He'll do for you and/or through you. If that means going into another country as a missionary, serving as a children's minister, etc, you have to have faith and you have to trust in God.

So, if you know that God is telling you to do something, don't wait! Many Christians wait for a sign from God telling them to do something. You have the Holy Spirit right? Won't He confirm within you what it is God wants you to do? If you know it's God telling you to do it, then do it! He'll take care of you.

Please keep praying for these children and that they will be adopted be loving families.


  1. It's all too easy to say that you're waiting to be sure when you're really just trying to find a way out. Thanks for posting this.
