Wednesday, May 16, 2012


     Earlier today I was thinking about blessings. Why does God bless us anyway? Well, I was thinking about that question and I came up with one answer. God blesses us so we can bless others. I know we've all heard that before, but today I just happened to be really thinking about it. God has given us food, clothing, shelter, clean water, a loving family, etc. He blesses us, but what we choose to do with that blessing is up to us.

     The first thing I think about when it comes to blessings is the time when Jesus fed the five thousand men. (plus women and children) That little boy could have kept the bread and fish for himself. But what did he do instead? He gave what he had to Jesus and as a result more than five thousand people were fed.

      How does that apply to us today? We have more than just five loaves of bread and two fish. We have a testimony, don't we? That alone is powerful. I can definitely say that for sure.
     I remember when I told my testimony on time. After I told my testimony many people came to me and said that they were blessed by what I said. Every time someone said that I was very encouraged. I mean, these were people much older than me and I had blessed them in just a few minutes of telling my testimony. The only other thing I can say is wow!

     Now, back to the children on my blog. Maybe God is calling you to bless these children with a loving family and a loving home. Or, maybe God is calling you to help another family get their children from an orphanage. If you pray and ask God to lead you and guide you, I promise that he will always answer that prayer. Does that mean that things will happen that minute? No, but even though it may take time and hard work to get it done, it's always worth it in the end.



  1. So very true! Some people go their whole lives and never realize this. You are a wise young woman, love your compassionate heart!

    1. Thank you Traci! That was one of a couple times lately when God just revealed new things to me in the Bible. It's so cool.
