Wednesday, August 29, 2012

An Amazing Opportunity

An anonymous donor has offered a $500 matching grant for Marla. This is an amazing opportunity to get her closer towards the sizable grants page on Reeces Rainbow. If she gets on there, then more people will see her and she has a better chance of getting adopted. The matching grant will start tomorrow and will go on for a week. This anonymous donor really cares about Marla and wants her to be adopted by a family. That makes me feel good.

This is what a matching grant is for those of you who don't know. For this week, every dollar that gets put into Marla's account will be doubled by the anonymous donor. If someone puts one dollar in, it gets doubled to two. If it's five dollars, it gets doubled to ten. (and so on...) It goes all the way up to $500. I'm so happy!
Click here to donate.

To tell you the truth, I never thought this would happen. I didn't think anyone cared about Marla until my family and I started talking about her. I'm really glad there are people who care deeply for her. I want to thank everyone for sharing her on your blogs and for advocating for her.

Please pray that the matching grant will turn out well. Also pray that Marla will be adopted by a loving family soon.

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